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IT Support For The Carolinas & Beyond

Dangers Of LinkedIn: 4 Security Features To Use TODAY

picking a profile out cybersecurity

A recent report from Check Point Research revealed a shocking statistic – the Microsoft-owned business platform LinkedIn is impersonated in nearly half of all phishing attacks globally. One of the ways scammers leverage LinkedIn to deploy their phishing attack is when they zero in on anyone seeking a new job or career change. While e-mails […]

Travel Smart: Essential Cybersecurity Practices For A Hack-Free Vacation

computer on the beach with a lock screen

Summer is a popular time for business owners and employees to step out of the office and take a well-deserved vacation. Even if their “out of office” e-mail responder is active, many people will periodically check in on work at least once while traveling. Unfortunately, studies show that working outside of the office – whether […]

Massive Layoffs In 2024 Create A Serious Threat To Your Cybersecurity

person getting kicked

The massive wave of layoffs in 2024 brings a cybersecurity threat that most business owners aren’t focusing on – offboarding employees. Even big-time brands that you would expect to have top-of-the-line cybersecurity systems, processes and procedures in place fail to adequately protect themselves from insider threats. This August marks a year since two disgruntled Tesla […]

Frustrated With Bad Tech Support? You’re Not Alone

head laying down frustrated over IT

A recent stream of Reddit comments emerged detailing a series of poor customer service experiences with tech support. While I typically try to stay clear of Reddit and its gang of chronic whiny-pants commenters, I scrolled through a few, you know, for research purposes since I’m in the industry. A few of the complaints sounded […]

Why “Free” Cybersecurity Could End Up Costing Greenville Businesses

cybersecurity with Intelli-Net in Greenville, SC

As a business leader in Greenville, you’re continuously seeking opportunities to streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance your bottom line. It’s the spirit seen in every corner of our community, from the bustling boutiques on Main Street to the innovative startups at the NEXT Innovation Center. However, when it comes to cybersecurity, choosing free antivirus […]

The Silent Danger: Lessons from a Major Ransomware Attack and How Greenville Businesses Can Safeguard Themselves

protect yourself against ransomware with Intelli-net

In a recent, startling cybersecurity breach, Change Healthcare, a prominent healthcare payment-processing company under UnitedHealth Group, was infiltrated by the notorious ALPHV/BlackCat hacker group. This incident left the U.S. healthcare system reeling, exposing the vulnerabilities even well-funded networks face and underscoring a chilling reality for businesses everywhere: cyber threats are a pervasive risk, capable of […]

Supercharge Your Business with Stellar IT Support – Learn How, Greenville!

IT Support in Greenville, SC

If you’re committed to growing a prosperous business in Greenville, SC, in 2024 and beyond, having robust IT support isn’t just a luxury—it’s the foundation of your operational success. Many local businesses, from the bustling shops on Main Street to tech startups in the Village of West Greenville, have experienced how subpar tech support can […]

The Unyielding Spirit of Leadership: A Lesson from Tech Giants and Local Resolve

proactive cybersecurity with Intelli-net

In a recent interview, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak reflected on what might have been different if he, rather than Steve Jobs, had been at the helm of Apple. Known for his gentler approach, Wozniak speculated that under his leadership, Apple might never have released the Macintosh. Jobs, with his relentless pursuit of perfection and uncompromising […]

Navigating the Deepfake Dilemma 

AI deepfake cybersecurity

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we interact with technology, offering unprecedented capabilities in problem-solving, automation, and data analysis. At the intersection of AI and digital manipulation emerges the phenomenon known as deepfakes. Deepfakes leverage sophisticated AI algorithms, notably Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), to produce hyper-realistic fake content, especially in videos. These AI-generated manipulations […]

Data Breach Hits One Of America’s Largest Healthcare Providers

Intelli-NET IT Services Greenville SC - Cyber Breach

Do you receive healthcare of any kind from Kaiser Permanente?  If so, be aware that they recently published a data breach notification indicating that an unidentified attacker accessed an email account that contained personal health information on April 5th, 2022. Based on the investigation to this point, it appears that sensitive health information belonging to […]